Tie SV

Funding Fridays

Join us for our upcoming Funding Fridays session, where you'll have the unique opportunity to engage in 1:1 meetings with one of the featured venture capitalists: Ashish Kakran from Thomvest Ventures or Manthan Shah from WestBridge Capital. This is your chance to connect directly with the venture capitalists and explore potential opportunities for raising capital.

Charter Member Lounge – September

TiE Silicon Valley is hosting the Charter Member Lounge on September 26, a forum for Charter Members to connect, converse, and collaborate. The featured Charter Member for this session is Kirthiga Reddy, Co-founder and CEO of Virtualness.

For more details or to join, reach out to [email protected]

TiE Silicon Valley Angel Investors’ Day

On behalf of TiE Silicon Valley, we would like to formally invite you to our in-person Investor's Day on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 5:00 PM! This will be an exclusive opportunity to network, gain deeper insight into our investment portfolio companies. Hear some of our portfolio companies present and followed by selected new startups pitch.

Event Details:

Date: October 3, 2024

Time: 5:00 - 8:00 PM PT

Location: TiE Silicon Valley Office, 480 California Ave, Suite 201, Palo Alto CA, 94036

Please mark your calendar for this event, a formal invitation with the agenda and additional details will follow soon.

Indian Semiconductor Industry – An Audacity of Hope

Join us for our 2024 Autumn seminar series on "Topics in International Technology Management | Innovations in Supply Chains and Manufacturing in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges in Realignment".

Professor (Emeritus) Arogyaswami Paulraj, Stanford University, is the inventor of MIMO wireless communications, a technology breakthrough that enables improved wireless performance. Please join us for his talk on how India is building a semiconductor industry. Audience Q&A will be moderated by Dr. Richard Dasher, Director of the US-Asia Technology Management Center.

Register Now https://asia.stanford.edu/course/topics-in-international-technology-management/2024-innovations-in-supply-chains-and-manufacturing-in-asia-opportunities-and-challenges-in-realignment/indian-semiconductor-industry-an-audacity-of-hope/

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