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TiE Silicon Valley Angel Investors' Day

📅 October 3, 2024
⌚ 5:00 – 8:00 PM PT
📌 Palo Alto

On behalf of TiE Silicon Valley, we would like to formally invite you to our in-person Investor’s Day on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 5:00 PM! This will be an exclusive opportunity to network, gain deeper insight into our investment portfolio companies. Hear some of our portfolio companies present and followed by selected new startups pitch.

About TiE Silicon Valley Angels:

TiE Silicon Valley Angels is one of the active angel groups in Silicon Valley and is an initiative of the TiE organization. We have 125+ active investors, about $15 million in investments, and 80+ startups in our ecosystem. TiE Silicon Valley Angels is a part of TiE Angels.

Register Now – https://events.tie.org/TiESVAngelInvestorsDay
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