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Fireside chat: Success mantras from startups and venture fund mavens with Julie Castro and Sushma Malhotra

📅 August 22, 2024
⌚ 6:00 PM PT
📌 Virtual

As part of the women’s program, we are bringing a Fireside chat: Success mantras from startups and venture fund mavens with Julie Castro and Sushma Malhotra.

They will cover how relationships built on trust and mutual value can open doors to funding, partnerships, and invaluable mentorship, and how venture funds and startups that prioritize diversity tend to outperform their peers by tapping into a broader range of ideas and experiences.

Join us on August 22 at 6:00 pm PT where Julie will tell us more about their investment thesis and how it is grounded in optimism, transparency, and a relentless drive to rewrite the narrative for women entrepreneurs

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